It could be taken as a given with my ancestry and previous life spent in Oxford that I should be predisposed to scoffing at Cambridge. However, since I didn’t row in any regattas in Henley, I’m happy to say I loved it. The grand old buildings, wide spaces and festive atmosphere made for a great day trip. Ducking into colleges with open gates, lunch at a little bistro in full sun and taking a punt on the crowded river with an amazingly animated college student espousing the riches of the city, poking fun and not always missing other river traffic. All punt ‘captains’ are students – quite entrepreneurial of them given the rigours of study at such a prestigious university. In a different lifetime, in an alternate universe perhaps, I would love to have known what it was to be a uni student in such halls steeped in history, with esteemed alumni and living in such a gorgeous city.